today i learned

A collection of mini-posts of the things I learn


How I added CSS animations to my Hugo Academic site

A lazy, shortcut approach; inspired by this wonderful blog post by Connor Rothschild.

How to Make an R Package

For future reference: a compilation of the resources I used to create my first R package

Bar Plots in Bokeh & How to Embed Them

Creating my first simple bokeh bar plot– an interactive version of my plot of the neighborhoods where law enforcement in L.A. County killed the most Black people.

Scatter Plots on Mapbox with plotly Express in Python & How to Embed Them

Creating my first interactive map with Mapbox to show where each Black person who was killed by police in L.A. County died.

Switching to hugo serve instead of blogdown::serve_site()

Should have done it sooner, it’s so much faster.

APIs & Interactive Maps with Leaflet in R

Requesting and mapping the International Space Station❜s pass times over U.S. state capitals.